

MakeMy.Sale is a new webservice for property owners to find their Real Estate Agent – a tender process where property owners describe their property and Real Estate Agents write proposals for the property owner to compare, rate and select. A tagline we keep hearing from property owners and that we like to embrace is “Turning the tables”

The platform is up and running in prototype stage. User and customer feedback is very positive. After a roll out in NZ we will go to Australia. The system is is built to allow for a global rollout.

We’re looking for the right Co-Founder with online Marketing experience that does not shy away from what needs to be done to make this a success.


We’re based in Nelson, but our systems are built to work from anywhere in the world. However we will need to be able to meet face to face from time to time.

Markus and Lenz


About MakeMy.Sale
